

  • 10 Quotes for When You're Feeling Lost or Stuck

    1. “Nothing in life, including our circumstances or potential, is fixed. Reality is bendable to our will.” ~ Brendon Burchard, The Motivation Manifesto

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  • Release Stress Now in 7 Quick Steps

    Deep Breathing. It works and it's quick. 

    Breathing deeply and gently with awareness quickly connects your mind and body. It has the ability to affect how you feel and act throughout your day.  Take good care and your mind and body will bring you to balance and calm.

    Next time you are feeling stressed or anxiety, try these 7 steps:

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  • Boost Your Self-Care With Better Sleep Throughout Recovery

    It’s no secret that getting more shut-eye has a positive impact on many aspects of our lives. However, it’s just not that simple to “get more sleep.” Your life may be stressful right now. You may feel busy.

    Most of us understand how important getting a quality night’s sleep is. But it may be time for you to take it more seriously. Here are a couple of ways to get you started on getting more, higher quality sleep each night:

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  • Mindfulness for Beginners

    While mindfulness has been practiced by groups of people for thousands of years from all over the world in various forms, it most closely ties with historic Buddhist and Hindu traditions. Since then, the practice has been popularized across the Western world and now exists within many secular practices.

    Anyone can benefit from incorporating mindfulness into their lives. However, it is important to forget all preconceptions you may have about the practice before beginning. 

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  • The Best Essential Oil Mixes for Restoring Calm During Recovery

    Essential oils and aromatherapy have been used for thousands of years as a way to improve sleep, relax moods and muscles, and even cure certain ailments. Inhaling essential oils can trigger stress relief and different memories for different individuals. Absorbing essential oils through the skin can carry treatment throughout your body via the bloodstream.

    Decide which smells and reliefs you want most and create your own natural remedies. Then add them to your Wellness Kit. Consider placing a favorite combo in your kids' Wellness Kits as well.

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  • 5 Minutes to Build Resilience

    Five minutes—the time it takes to make a pot of coffee, drive through a carwash, load the dishwasher. Our lives are full of little five minute segments. Every day they tick-tock by. Mundane. Average. Ordinary.

    Now, imagine your life changing. Forever.
    In 5 minutes.

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It's time to thrive

The Thrive blog is here to help build your resilience with or without a Grab + Go Box.